The time for “settling for less” is OVER! For everything in life, really, but we’re focusing on one part of that: getting a great haircut. There’s no reason you shouldn’t leave the salon every time rocking a haircut that makes you look and feel fabulous. Here are our 10 tips from Veda Salon & Spa, the best salon in Colorado Springs, CO, on how you can take charge every time to get the best haircut you ever had.
1: Know your face shape
Ever wonder why a haircut looks great on one person, not so much on another? This has a lot to do with face shape. There are five general shapes: round, square, oval, diamond and heart. Against individual features like cheekbones, chin and forehead, a haircut can range from ultra-flattering to not right at all. You want your haircut to make your face look chiseled, bringing attention to your eyes and mouth. If you’re unsure of your face shape, watch this video to find out. Once you know, you can figure out what cuts will look best on you.
2: Know your hair texture
Just as important as face shape is hair texture. If you have naturally curly or coarse hair, you can’t bring in a picture of Jennifer Aniston and expect to walk out with her smooth, straight locks. No haircut can change your texture. Stick to images of people with the same texture as you, and you’ll find that not only will your hair look amazing, but it’ll be so much easier to manage.
3: Be mentally prepared for change
A lot of things can inspire a haircut: a breakup, new job, big move, or any other life change. We’re not talking regular trims—we mean MAJOR chops, or adding features like bangs or undercuts. If you want to make a dramatic change to your appearance, make sure you’re in the right mental space for it. You may want a spontaneous post-breakup pixie in the moment, but that moment might come and go. If this cut is something you’ve been obsessing over and can’t stop thinking about—then yes, go for it! (If making this decision is stressful to you, we recommend checking out our spa services for the best massages in Colorado Springs, CO!)
4: Consider your lifestyle
If you know you’re too busy to devote time to styling your hair, be realistic about that. Let your stylist know you need a cut that will look fabulous with little-to-no maintenance or styling. If you can make time every day to primp, then you can have a look that is dependent on regular blowouts, curling or straightening.
5: Don’t focus on trends
Almost every It Girl in Hollywood rocked the blunt bob this year, causing a craze of sharp-edged chops across the nation. While we’re all about keeping up with trends, we also know you have to go with what works for you and you alone. Make sure you’re getting a new look because YOU want it and not because you’re trying to keep up with the Kardashians.

6: Consultation is a must
We need to talk! Before they pick up their scissors, our stylists will always consult with you to help you define your face shape, texture and a game plan for maintenance. They’ll be able to give you a realistic forecast of what you’re trying to achieve and provide suggestions on what will work best for you in the long run. Carve out a little extra time to consult with your stylist prior to your cut, and you will feel more at ease knowing you both are on the same page. Lucky for you, we’ve got the best hairstylists in Colorado Springs, CO who are eager and ready to help you with any hair questions you may have!
7: Bring pictures
Visuals are always a good idea. When you come in, bring some inspo pictures with you. Tell your stylist what you like about the cut and if there’s anything you would change about it to make it your own. This gives your stylist a chance to learn what you want. They can make suggestions and explain to you exactly what the cut entails.
8: Point it out
Show your stylist exactly where you want your length to hit. What you might think is “just a few inches” may mean something completely different to your stylist. “Long bangs” can mean anything from cheek-length to eyebrow-length. Point out where you want your hair to land and your stylist will know what you want.
9: Get educated
When you get your new cut, ask for lessons on how to style it. Pay attention to tools and products they use, the way they hold styling tools, and how they place your hair. Ask why they do certain things the way they do. Your stylist will be happy to educate you. As an Aveda salon in Colorado Springs, CO, we’d be happy to assist you in getting the best products for your hair. Remember, besides you, no one wants your hair to look awesome all the time more than your stylist does!
10: Use the right tools
Almost all hairstyles could use a little product to emphasize the look. Ask your stylist what they used on you while styling your hair, why they recommend those products for your hair type, and how to use them to recreate the look.Now that you know all this, are you ready to get the best haircut of your life? Book your consultation and appointment at Veda Salon & Spa for the best haircut in Colorado Springs, CO by giving us a call at 719.578.8332.